Thursday, December 4, 2014

Moving right along!

It’s been a long time coming but I finally reached my career goal: Brooke Bingham, RN! It wasn’t easy. It was a long, winding road full of bumps and detours and road construction. And I’m pretty sure that somewhere in that analogy I hit a deer or two. BUT, I did it. If I were to give a speech I would thank Mountain Dew and energy drinks for keeping me going, my doctor for prescribing me Ativan so that I wouldn’t have too many nervous breakdowns, and my parents for always being there to cheer me on…MOVING RIGHT ALONG!

I’m currently working full-time at Pioneer Care Center and liking it most days. I love my residents and see them almost as a second family. The hours are long and I’m on my feet for most of my 12-hour shifts but the days go by fairly quick, and nothing beats having to work only three days a week and still be considered full-time! 

I’ve recently made the decision to finally be done with school. I was going to pursue a higher degree but quickly found that I had zero motivation for it. Instead, I’m going to focus on other things in life that I’ve had on the back burners.

NEW interests:

1. Hockey!

-There’s something incredibly satisfying about going to a game with friends and watching big hulking guys slamming each other into the barrier walls and breaking out into fights. Sometimes a little live violence is fun! ;)

2.  The Ukulele

-I have always wanted to play a musical instrument and I found one that fits my personality perfectly: the ukulele. Channeling my hippy side is always fun.

3    3.  Europe-bound

-     -Yes, I still have the travel bug! If I could, I’d be traveling right now. Turns out you need to have MONEY to travel and so I’m slowly paying off past debts and looking ahead towards next summer when ill hopefully be visiting a friend in Europe!

 4. Book club!

-I joined a book club because why the hell not?! 

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